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My website is and my phone numbers : 1-808-238-5021 or cell number 1-808-493-5806

Your call and your message will be record or tape for our safety.

Lisa Bloom Firm told me to call back when I have $5000 Dollars also the price tag could reach up $25,OOOO Dollars. Per Lanora then she would help me and call Lanora at her cell number 1-917-371-5685 when I have the money. Our conversation that took place on Friday, June 12,2015.

Or you can paying  Your Lawyer to have my case which was  an sexually assaulted. Help re- open my case, that took place in HAWAII ,YES Barack Obama is hiding the  truth in his hometown.

Please “Hunger for a  taste of Justice”

How does your donation work for this cause, here at this Activism Site/Cowser Corporation.

It’s real easy You as person can give a  Donate  which will pay the fee of any Attorney AT LAW  or Law Corporation you may choice to help Our Activism Site my web site at

Your free donation  will pay  for all  fee for /Activism Site and Keep the Fight going  in Court by the Law ,Free Web page expose and ’You Tube Blog’ and other internet way as well radio and T.V. expose .. .Yes this is what your donation  does  pay for also  The Victim finally  received Justice and Fair settlement and  all fee pay for Activism  Site or your choice of  Attorney.

All fee pay by  anonymous person  or their   Attorney of law for this This Activism Site/Cowser Corporation. As results this Attorney will be entitle to all paper work, Dress and Photo of Victim  After Beating and sexually assaulted, took place in this state, will be name by state] Paper work as well RICO PAPER WORK SEND TO Different FOLK’S with State Government Agency.

Thank You very much for given this Cash Donation to Attorney at Law to help this web  site for “RICO Law” and have my case be reopens under The under loop –hole- law in Island Hawaiian.
Because you believe in this Activism Site  therefore  you can call  ANY FREE Attorney of your choosing  for my Activism Site.

You Know that Barack Obama who `was the Former President, is a thug and an crook and should be go to jail for his treacherous deed.
Why? Due to fact the Former President Obama hide a crime of Political Corruption with his power by hiding my sexual assaulted case and all my information about my case that took place here on the Hawaiian Island.

It’s a crime and that is why he should go to jail for commit treason when Obama was Former President!

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