EMAIL THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL on Monday, June 29, 2015 at 8:45 am
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Please be aware that consumer protection inquiries and complaints are handled by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs – Office of Consumer Protection. If you have a consumer protection inquiry or complaint, the Office of Consumer Protection can be reached at 808-586-2653.

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Well how long does it take–yes its been Seven Month and now it is January 2016 no word yet about what happen to me on The Big Island.

I was strapped down in Paramedic Gurney, Punched in the face and stomach and Sexually Assaulted & Physical abuse by the Attending Paramedic who work in Waikoloa on the Big Island. In this tussle the paramedic gurney fell over and I injured my back.

This sexual assault & Physical abuse which happen to me on February 10 and I lost my Small Housekeeping Business job due all this as well of my injury cause by pain and suffer.

The case which took me 12 years before it was allow in Hawaiian Court in 2011 and they close my case 2012 . which I have filed in two different Courts ,In federal and state court in The Hawaiian island . The court’s lie and said I did not turn my paperwork in on time,I have proof I file my paper work on time.Yes,come,see, read and check out Paperwork and Hawaiian Court Respond.

As results of sexual assaulted & Physical abuse,I have back issue with pain due to injury, which is why I am on $731 a month also I have a food stamp card, so I made good use of my trifling income.

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